Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

Samurai's Blood Imjin War book cover

Akizuki Castle

Images: Daniel O'Grady


Akizuki Domain

1623 - 1871

Kuroda Clan

50,000 Koku

Akizuki Castle is classified as a hilltop castle, and is located in Fukuoka Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Chikuzen Province. It is associated with the Akizuki, Kuroda clans. Dates in use: 1203 - 1871.

It was originally built by Harada Tanekatsu of the Akizuki clan but in the early 1600's it became the residential castle for the son of Kuroda Nagamasa & his descendants. Now, only one original & one rebuilt gate remain along with minor stonework.

In addition to the remaining gates, stonework & moat, located a short distance to the West are the ruins of the Kuroda built Toki Yagura. Presumably, the role of this turret was to announce time. Interestingly, this turret was built over the ruins of a much older fort, Fukutake Castle.

If you follow the moat to the North there is the residence that housed the former lords of this castle. There are several buildings one of which houses items relating to its history including armour & a scale model of the castle.

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1203 Two sets of fortifications were built by Harada Tanekatsu. The first, a mountain castle atop Mt Kosho & then at its base a fortified residence. This clan would later take the name Akizuki.
1587 Toyotomi Hideyoshi took control of the area during the Kyūshū invasion. The Akizuki clan abandoned the castle.
1600 The fief was awarded to the Kuroda after the battle of Sekigahara.
1623 Akizuki castle was built by Kuroda Nagaoki utilizing materials from the two much older castles.
1876 The castle was dismantled not long after the Akizuki rebellion.
1987 The Nagaya Mon was rebuilt, completed in 1990.

Historical recognition

SitePrefectural Historic Site