Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

Japanese Castles 1540-1640 Strongholds of the Samurai: Japanese Castles 250-1877

Aya Castle

Images: Daniel O'Grady

Aya Castle is classified as a mountain castle, and is located in Miyazaki Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Hyūga Province. It is associated with the Aya, Itō clans. Dates in use: 1331- 1615.

When the Ito clan took possession of the castle during the Muromachi period it was one of 48 under their control & the most strategically important in their war with the Shimazu. The current main tower dates from 1985 & its design is representative of castles dating from the Sengoku period. Inside there are displays of armour, maps and other historical items.

Today, this castle's main role is that of "International Craft Castle". A separate building houses a vast range of the local crafts.

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1331 Hosokawa Yoshito took the name of the area - Aya. He then had the castle built.
1500 Ito clan took control of the area.
1510 Nagakura Wakasanokami took possession of the castle.
1577 The Ito clan were driven out by the Shimazu clan.
1615 The castle was torn down to comply with the "one country, one castle" policy.
1986 The keep was reconstructed.