Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

Samurai's Blood Imjin War book cover

Inohana Castle

Images: Fujinamiism

Inohana Castle is classified as a hilltop castle, and is located in Chiba Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Shimōsa Province. It is associated with the Chiba clan. Dates in use: 1126 - 1455.

This castle was originally built by the Chiba clan and they managed to remain in control of it for just over 300 years. The current reconstruction dates from 1967 & reflects a much later style of castle than what was originally built. To the northwest there remains a section of earthwork & a dry moat.

As with all Japanese castles, it was built in a location that was relatively protected by its surroundings. The southern & western sides were protected by cliffs and there was a river to the North.

The tombs of the Chiba lords are located in the Dainichi Temple.

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1126 Fortifications were built by Tsuneshige of the Chiba clan.
1455 Makuhari Yasutani defeated Chiba Tsunenao in battle. The castle was then abandoned.
1967 The castle was rebuilt in what was the Ninomaru, the secondary defensive area.