Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

The Baur Collection: Japanese Sword-Fittings and Associated Metalwork 3d Himeji-jo 3D Puzzle

Funai Castle

Images: Daniel O'Grady


Funai Domain

1601 - 1634

Takenaka Clan

20,000 Koku

1634 - 1656

Hineno Clan

20,000 Koku

松平 (大給)
1656 - 1871

Matsudaira (Ogyū) Clan

21,000 Koku

Funai Castle is classified as a flatland castle (its layout: Teikakushiki), and is located in Ōita Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Bungo Province. It is associated with the Ōtomo, Takenaka clans. Dates in use: 1597 - 1872.

A smaller castle with two original turrets & several other reconstructed structures. A moat circles the ruins. This castle, along with Himeji & Osaka castles, were the only castles to have had an entertainment area where events such as tea ceremony, Noh theatre and moon gazing ceremonies took place.

The Shumon Yagura, the Hitojichi Yagura, walls & moats remain from the Edo period. A number of turrets, a covered bridge & a gate have been reconstructed.

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1562 Built by the Otomo clan.
1586 Otomo retreated into Funai castle & requested assistance from Toyomi Hideyoshi.
1599 Construction started by Fukuhara Naotaka.
1602 Construction on the four-layer main tower was completed.
1656 The Ogyu branch of the Matsudaira clan were stationed here.
1743 Most buildings were destroyed by a great fire.
1861 The Hitojichi Yagura was rebuilt.
1863 The Shumon Yagura was rebuilt.
1872 The castle was abandoned.
1996 The covered bridge was completed.

Historical recognition

SitePrefectural Historic Site
Hitojichi TurretPrefectural Historic Asset
Shumon TurretPrefectural Historic Asset