Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

The Baur Collection: Japanese Sword-Fittings and Associated Metalwork Imjin War book cover

Iga Ueno Castle

Images: Fujinamiism


Ueno Domain

1600 - 1608

Tsutsui Clan

50,000 Koku

1608 - 1871

Tōdō Clan

* Koku

Iga Ueno Castle is classified as a hilltop castle (its layout: Teikakushiki), and is located in Mie Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Iga Province. It is associated with the Tōdō clan. Dates in use: 1585 - 1871.

After the great battle of Sekigahara in 1600, the existing castle was expanded upon by the Tōdō clan to defend against any further uprisings against the Tokugawa Shogunate by those loyal to the Toyotomi clan. The main tower collapsed in 1612 & its reconstruction was deemed unnecessary.

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1585 The castle was built by the Tsutsui clan.
1608 Todo Takatori was transferred to the castle. A major renovation of the castle was undertaken.
1612 Due to strong winds, the main tower collapsed.
1871 The castle was abandoned.
1935 The main tower was reconstructed using wood.

Historical recognition

SiteNational Historic Site