Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

Samurai's Blood Imjin War book cover

Imabari Castle

Images: Hiroki Matsuuchi


Imabari Domain

1600 - 1608

Tōdō Clan

200,000 Koku

松平 (久松)
1635 - 1871

Matsudaira (Hisamatsu)  Clan

30,000 Koku

Imabari Castle is classified as a flatland castle (its layout: Rinkakushiki), and is located in Ehime Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Iyo Province. It is associated with the Tōdō clan. Dates in use: 1602 - 1873.

Tōdō Takatora came to the area following the Battle of Sekigahara, as ordered by the battle's victor, Tokugawa Ieyasu. At that time, the major castle in the area was Kokufu castle which sat atop Mt. Karako. Common at the dawn of the 17th century was to abandon these smaller, difficult-to-access castles and build larger castles, closer to populated centers. That was exactly what happened at Imabari.

Takatora completed the castle is a very short time, but just two years after it was completed, the main tower was dismantled & transferred to Kameyama castle near Kyoto. Takatora's son, , was left behind to manage the fief on an income of 20,000 Koku.

As stated, this castle can be categorised as a flatland castle. But, being built by the sea & with the moats being fed by the tides, it can also considered to be a water castle. This castle, along with Takamatsu & Nakatsu, make up the Top three Water castles of Japan.

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1602 Tōdō Takatora began construction of the castle.
1604 Construction was completed.
1608 Takatota was transferred to Tsu in Ise province. His adopted son became lord of the castle.
1635 The Hisamatsu branch of the Matsuraida clan were transferred here.
1869 Decommissioning of the castle began.
1873 The castle was was abandoned
1980 The main tower was reconstructed.
1985 The Gokin(?) Turret was reconstructed.
1990 The Yamazato Turret was reconstructed.
2007 The Tetsu-Gomon (Tetsu gate) was reconstructed.

Historical recognition

SitePrefectural Historic Site