Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

Strongholds of the Samurai: Japanese Castles 250-1877 Samurai's Blood

Izushi Castle

Images: Matias Stella


Izushi Domain

1600 - 1696

Koide Clan

60,000 Koku

松平 (藤井)
1696 - 1706

Matsudaira (Fujii) Clan

48,000 Koku

1706 - 1871

Sengoku Clan

58,000 Koku

Izushi Castle is classified as a hilltop castle, and is located in Hyōgo Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Tajima Province. It is associated with the Koide, Sengoku clans. Dates in use: 1604 - 1868.

Izushi Castle was built in a time of peace but the two previous castles that protected these environs were laid siege to & defeated by the armies of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1569 & again in 1580. The second castle was built atop Mt. Ariko & this castle, Izushi, was built at its base.

Like so many other castles, upon being decommissioned at the close of the Edo period, buildings were demolished & the castle grounds were opened to the public. These castle ruins remain today as a popular spot during cherry blossom season.

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1604 The castle was built by Koide Yoshihide. This clan resided here for nine generations.
1696 The Fuji branch of the Matsudaira clan were transferred here.
1706 The Sengoku clan were transferred here.This clan resided here for eight generations.
1868 The castle was abandoned.
1871 The Shinkorō clock tower, possibly Japan's oldest, was built atop the Mihari Turret ruins.
1968 The East & West corner turrets were rebuilt.
1994 The Tojō Gate & bridge were rebuilt.

Historical recognition

SiteCity Historic Site