Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

Castles of the Samurai: Power and Beauty Imjin War book cover

Marugame Castle

Images: Daniel O'Grady


Marugame Domain

1600 - 1640

Ikoma Clan

171,000 Koku

1641 - 1658

Yamasaki Clan

50,000 Koku

1658 - 1871

Kyōgoku Clan

60,000 Koku

Marugame Castle is classified as a hilltop castle (its layout: Rinkakushiki), and is located in Kagawa Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Sanuki Province. It is associated with the Ikoma, Yamazaki clans. Dates in use: 1597 - 1871.

The massive walls of this castle are truly impressive. They really do speak to the cashed-up clan who built them, the Ikoma. The castle was decommissioned in 1615 but in 1641 it was given a new lease on life when the Yamazaki clan became lords of this castle. The Yamazaki were not a rich as the Ikoma & it was reflected in the construction of buildings that were much more modest than the mighty walls they sat atop.

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1597 Construction of the castle was initiated by the Ikoma Clan.
1602 Construction completed.
1615 The castle was torn down & abandoned by order of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The law drastically reduced the number of castles nation wide.
1641 The Yamazaki clan were stationed here. Yamazaki Iehara started rebuilding the castle.
1643 Construction completed.
1658 The Kyogoku clan were stationed here.
1670 The Kyogoku clan completed further improvements to the castle such as the Oteichino & Otenino Gates.
1869 The Inui Turret of the Sannomaru burnt down.
1871 The castle was abandoned.
1877 Many buildings were torn down.

Historical recognition

SiteNational Historic Site
Main TowerImportant Cultural Property
Oteichino GateImportant Cultural Property
Otenino GateImportant Cultural Property