Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

3d Himeji-jo 3D Puzzle Samurai's Blood

Tsukikuma Castle

Images: Daniel O'Grady

Tsukikuma Castle is classified as a hilltop castle, and is located in Ōita Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Bungo Province. It is associated with the Ogawamitsu, Ishikawa clans. Dates in use: 1601 - 1639.

As you make your way toward the top of the hill, you'll find yourself walking past numerous holes that have been bored into the sides of the hill. These holes were actually used to store human remains. Aside from the moated area & the bases of two turrets, little stonework remains.

This castle consisted of three enclosures. The main enclosure was naturally located at the top of the hill, the secondary enclosure half-way up the hill & the third enclosure at the base of the hill. There were two southern entrances to the third enclosure. Approximately three-quarters of the surrounding moat was water-filled, the remaining section was dry.

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1601 The Ogawamitsu clan were tasked with building the castle. It was built atop Tsukikuma mountain & known as Maruyama castle.
1616 The Ishikawa clan was transferred to the castle. The defenses of Maruyama castle were expanded upon & it was renamed Nagayama castle.
1639 The fortifications at the top of the mountain were decommissioned & thereafter it was known as the Hita Jinya (Hita administrative headquarters.)
1682 The Echizen branch of the Matsudaira clan were transferred here.
1686 Control of the domain was transferred back to the Shogunate.