Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

Japanese Castles 1540-1640 Samurai's Blood

Sakura Castle

Images: Daniel O'Grady


Sakura Domain

1602 - 1607

Matsudaira Clan

50,000 Koku

1607 - 1610

Ogasawara Clan

28,000 Koku

1610 - 1633

Doi Clan

32,000 Koku

1633 - 1635

Ishikawa Clan

70,000 Koku

松平 (形原)
1635 - 1642

Matsudaira (Katahara) Clan

40,000 Koku

1642 - 1661

Hotta Clan

110,000 Koku

松平 (大給)
1661 - 1678

Matsudaira (Ōgyū) Clan

60,000 Koku

1678 - 1686

Ōkubo Clan

83,000 Koku

1686 - 1701

Toda Clan

61,000 Koku

1701 - 1723

Inaba Clan

102,000 Koku

松平 (大給)
1723 - 1746

Matsudaira (Ōgyū) Clan

60,000 Koku

1746 - 1871

Hotta Clan

100,000 Koku

Sakura Castle is classified as a hilltop castle (its layout: Renkakushiki), and is located in Chiba Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Shimōsa Province. It is associated with the Doi, Hotta clans. Dates in use: 1610 - 1873.

Standing in contrast to the castle ruins from other parts of Japan, Sakura Castle is and was bare of stone work. Despite this fact, the castle was regarded as being well-fortified owing to the deep, empty moats and steep earthen embankments.

It's most unfortunate that no buildings have survived. There was a three-layer main-tower but that burnt down in 1813. A pair of gates and the Dō Turret had managed to survive through to the beginning of the Meiji period. Old photographs of these buildings can be seen on signposts around the site.

The Dō Turret was a two-story building located mere meters to the Northeast of Sakura Castle's main tower, and unusually, it had a copper roof (dōkawara buki - 銅瓦葺). This turret was said to have been originally built as a three-layered structure at Edo castle during Ōta Dōkan's lifetime (1432 - 1486). Wow.

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1610 The Doi clan built the castle over a seven year period over the top of the ruins of former fortifications (Kashima Castle) of the Chiba clan.
1799 The San-no-maru Palace was built.
1813 The main tower burnt down. It was never rebuilt.

Historical recognition

SiteCity Historic Site