Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

The Baur Collection: Japanese Sword-Fittings and Associated Metalwork 3d Himeji-jo 3D Puzzle

Zeze Castle

Images: Daniel O'Grady


Zeze Domain

1601 - 1617

Toda Clan

30,000 Koku

1617 - 1621

Honda Clan

30,000 Koku

1621 - 1634

Suganuma Clan

31,000 Koku

1634 - 1651

Ishikawa Clan

70,000 Koku

1651 - 1871

Honda Clan

70,000 Koku

Zeze Castle is classified as a flatland castle (its layout: Teikakushiki), and is located in Shiga Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Ōmi Province. It is associated with the Toda, Honda clans. Dates in use: 1601 - 1870.

Many of Zeze castle's former gates have survived & are scattered all over the city of Otsu. Three of these gates have been classified as Important Cultural Properties. Presently, Zeze castle is a picturesque public park by the shore of lake Biwa.

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1601 The castle was constructed & the Toda clan were stationed here.
1617 The Honda clan were stationed here.
1621 The Suganuma clan were stationed here.
1634 The Ishikawa clan were stationed here.
1651 The Honda clan were once again stationed here.
1662 A major renovation followed after several buildings collapsed during an earthquake.
1870 The castle was decommissioned.

Historical recognition

Honmaru Ote Gate (relocated to Zeze shrine)Important Cultural Property
Kita Ote Gate (relocated to Shinozu shrine)Important Cultural Property
Minami Ote Gate (relocated to Muchisaki shrine)Important Cultural Property