Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

Imjin War book cover Castles of the Samurai: Power and Beauty

Kaga Province - 加賀国

Some of the castles of Kaga (all periods): Kanazawa Castle
Below is a list of the domains that existed in Kaga province (Chūbu) during the Edo period (1600 - 1868). Each white box details the reign of each clan, showing their Kamon (家紋), the dates & the approximate value of their lands measured in Koku (石).

Daishōji Domain - 大聖寺藩

1639 - 1871
Maeda Clan
70,000 Koku

Kanazawa Domain - 金沢藩Kanazawa Castle

1600 - 1871
Maeda Clan
1,200,000 Koku

Komatsu Domain - 小松藩

1600 - 1871
Maeda Clan
* Koku