Japanese Castle Explorer

by Daniel O'Grady

Japanese Castles 1540-1640 Strongholds of the Samurai: Japanese Castles 250-1877

Okazaki Castle

Images: JapanDave


Okazaki Domain

1601 - 1645

Honda Clan

50,000 Koku

1645 - 1762

Mizuno Clan

50,000 Koku

松平 (松井)
1762 - 1769

Matsudaira (Matsui) Clan

54,000 Koku

1769 - 1871

Honda Clan

50,000 Koku

Okazaki Castle is classified as a hilltop castle (its layout: Teikakushiki), and is located in Aichi Prefecture. During the pre-modern age, it found itself within the borders of Mikawa Province. It is associated with the Honda, Mizuno clans. Dates in use: 1531 - 1873.

Yes, it is a concrete reconstruction but it is a site of some significance as it was the birthplace of one of Japan's most well-known historical figures, Matsudaira Takechiyo, better known to the world as Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Remaining today are sections of stonework & moat. As at early 2010, a turret had been rebuilt. And, as described to me by David LaSpina (who I thank for use of these photos) the turret sits in the middle of the car park.

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1455 Fortifications were first built nearby by the Saigō clan.
1531 Matsudaira Kiyoyasu, after gaining control of the area, built a small fort at the castle's present site approximately the size of the main enclosure.
1542 An infant, later to be known as Tokugawa Ieyasu, was born.
1549 The Matsudaira lord of the castle was killed. The castle then became the possession of the Imagawa clan, the young Ieyasu becoming hostage.
1560 The Battle of Okehazama. Following Imagawa Yoshimoto's death, Ieyasu gained possession of the castle.
1570 Ieyasu moved his headquarters to Hamamatsu Castle.
1590 The castle was once again improved with the incorporation of stone-clad walls. The castle town was also developed.
1617 A three-story main tower was built.
1873 The castle was decommissioned.
1874 The buildings were demolished.
1959 The several buildings of the main enclosure were rebuilt using concrete.
1993 The Omote Gate was rebuilt.
2007 Further excavations were completed.
2010 The Higashi-sumi Turret was rebuilt using traditional materials & methods.